Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I thought yesterday was going to be our last hot day...
but I was wrong...
moth in lavender...
today is the last day...
and it's supposed to get down into the 50s tonight...
the next several days will be 78-81...
so here's the best of today...
the humidity is leaving...
clear skies...
we could actually see stars last night for the first time in ages...
DH is home and supper awaits...
have a great night...


NanaDiana said...

I think our cooler spell is headed your way. It got down into the 70's today and might drop into the high 60's tonight. xo Diana

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

I can't wait! I guess tomorrow is suppose to be nice but I work. Hope this weekend is nice, Sat going to a tour of the square and the arch. of the bldgs hope it is nice!

Patty Sumner said...

We are looking for cooler temps later this week.....I have to admit I am looking forward to Fall. Blessings!

The Sisson Clan said...

It's wednesday the 10th and I have my windows open for the first time in months. Yee Haw! Can't wait for fall!

The Sisson Clan said...

Oh I forgot to say what I wanted to. I love and was challenged by your thankfulness quote on the top of your blog. Whoa I've got some attitude adjusting to do. "Thankful smile"

ShabbyESP said...

Hello Tete,
Please enjoy the cooler weather for me...it is still 92 today here in Orlando but it is overcast and it rained some this morning.
Suzann ~xoxo~