Saturday, May 6, 2017

divine intervention is needed...

our volunteer firemen tried to help us yesterday afternoon...

and they pumped for a couple of hours...
but it was no use...

the field behind us is a lake...

the tiles are clogged out there somewhere and I called the farmer...
he could care less that his field is flooding our yards...
and homes...
its under the house and has been for over a week...

we've been here 35 years now and its never held that much water for that long...
it should have went down by now...

what's next?
class action?
we shall see...


LV said...

What a terrible mess. Sorry you are being affected so much by this act of nature.

Susie said...

Tete, I understand the fight for your home when farm land is involved. Seems everyone around here has ran drains in the get more crop...but did not want to pay a tax for the ditches to be they over flow. so it all runs down hill so to speak into town into the park creek,more over flow into yard and homes. Good luck getting a handle on the problems. I am not saying this to put down farmers and as we know not all are like this. As in every walk of life there is greed. A town south of us is growing by leap and bounds...thus concrete, roads, drives, and many , many new buildings ...well the town has flooded from the river there for years..more water shed problems. After the fact they decide, hey we need bigger better sewers. And so it goes. I am wishing you the best dry weather for awhile. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Terra said...

Oh dear, what a worrisome mess of so much water under and near your home. I hope sunny weather will arrive and dry out the "lake".